Food for your health, fuel for your body.
Functional Medicine Nutrition Services
Nutrition Plan
Work with a Functional Medicine Nutritionist to assess your current health, deciphering which foods and habits can help your body heal, and which foods and habits are causing you harm.
Get Started-
Health Assessments with a Certified Functional Medicine Nutritionist
One-on-one 90 Minute Comprehensive Nutrition Consultations
Personalized Functional Medicine Nutrition Planning
75 page Resource Guide with Recipes and Articles
Healthy Eating Tips and Custom Meal Planning

Jumpstart Your Weightloss With
Learn how to manage your weight and jump-start your perfect road to health with PROLON. This amazing program was developed by the USC anti-aging center and provides many of the benefits of a fast while letting you eat delicious food. Get a trimmer waistline and many of the associated benefits of fasting without requiring ongoing lifestyle changes, such as long-term dieting. Visit for all the research and data.