Laser therapy is innovating the way we treat pain and repair muscle damage without the use of prescription drugs. Listen to Dr. Richard Amy, a laser therapy pioneer who designed and performed the FDA clinical trials that led to the first FDA clearance for low-level laser therapy in the United States.
Coronavirus, elections, stress…our brains are working overtime! Learn about a new wave of therapies to improve your memory with Dr. Patrick Porter, creator of BrainTap Technologies, and Paul Sorbo with WAVi Medical.
As flu season is rapidly approaching, and as people are on high alert for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, understanding how these two viral illnesses are alike and different can provide a bit of clarity heading into the winter months, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.
As flu season is rapidly approaching, and as people are on high alert for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, understanding how these two viral illnesses are alike and different can provide a bit of clarity heading into the winter months, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.
The sun, our environment and just plain aging. They all take a toll on our skin. But before you spend a lot of money or have unnecessary procedures, listen to Doctor Pat Hopkins and her colleagues Leslie Frodema and Maura Hines share the products and services they recommend to reverse aging and Save Our Skin.